rules of thumb house
Spring 2022
Project 2:
Design a house for a client you propose. You will use “rules of thumb” to generate a response to design requirements for a house on a site near the campus.
There are many different kinds of “rules of thumb” – social, traditional, technical, and financial, that have shaped the design and construction of residences in North America. The house will be a maximum of 800 square feet, and provide a living room, a space for cooking and dining, two bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, and other spaces appropriate for a house.
Propose the client for designing the house, a person of interest and inspiration for the project. Briefly describe their needs and wants.
Peer Partners will visit the site, identify key attributes of the site, and discuss/record their findings to their Journal.
Use the set of listed architectural patterns
Use the technical rules of thumb provided in class
An analysis of the room layouts will be developed to display the clearances at all room furnishings and household equipment.